Pocket Receptionist versus employing a receptionist yourself
Costs comparison
If you use Pocket Receptionist, total monthly cost would be:
From £64 / month
If you were to employ a receptionist yourself, total monthly cost would be:
~£3,804.78 / month
Services comparison
The above numbers speak for themselves...
Use Pocket Receptionist starting from only £64 per month and benefit from all its services OR...
pay a staggering ~£3,804.78 per month for only one person!
You can also call 0800 009 6555 or email info@pocketreceptionist.co.uk
Get started in seconds
Free up your time so you can focus on what’s really important to your business
By utilising our technical infrastructure and our dedicated experienced team of receptionists, your callers will receive a positive call experience and you can be confident that no calls will be missed.
With rising wages and advertising costs it’s never been more important to focus on employee efficiency and ‘smart working’ practices to reduce company’s fixed costs and improve the customer offering.
By outsourcing elements of your business you will see a marked improvement in efficiencies and a reduction in your wage costs.
By working smart we:
Start working smarter today
You can also call 0800 009 6555 or email info@pocketreceptionist.co.uk
Get started in seconds
Experience Pocket Receptionist for yourself
Have a listen & get set up...
Setup is simple
Setup your telephone answering service over the phone by calling 0800 009 6555.
Our Welcome Team are available Mon–Fri 8am–5pm to setup your answering service in as little as 48 hours.
Improve your customer experience
and grow your business
Start improving your sales & customer experience with Pocket Receptionist
You can also call 0800 009 6555 or email info@pocketreceptionist.co.uk
Get started in seconds
A team of receptionists
at a fraction of the cost
Many smart business tools come at a cost.
Pocket receptionist can offer powerful improvements whilst reducing your fixed costs.
Outsourcing your reception services could save you 98.5% of the cost of employment.
Call surges, disaster recovery and holiday cover can all be covered with one solution and at no additional cost.
On average your in-house receptionist spends just 23% of their time handling calls.
Start working smarter today
Speak to one of the team to find out more.
You can also call 0800 009 6555 or email info@pocketreceptionist.co.uk
Get started in seconds